ROME – Honeymoon (part one)

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This is my iPhone’s account of our Rome excursion.

We were only in Rome a few hours which was too quick, but I’m glad we were able to see some of the historic city. We had plans to take a train to Milan later in the afternoon, so we luggage checked our bags at the Roma Termini (main train station) then hit the town for a few hours! The luggage check (it’s called “left luggage” in the station) was about 6 Euros for 4 hours per bag.  Pretty good deal to be hands free while exploring Rome!

Getting into Rome in the morning, after flying through the night, makes you pretty hungry. Jake and I both had food on the mind right when we touched down into Italy. Pizza or pasta preferably ;).  Come to find out they don’t really start opening restaurants until 1pm –and sometimes they are closed midday and return later around 5pm for dinner. Definitely not a breakfast town. More of a cigarettes and espresso for the morning start type of people. We love a great cup of espresso, so cappuccinos and pastries it was.  We stumbled upon La Bottega del Caffe later, where we got ourselves a salad and pizza…and more espresso.

Then off to the Colosseum! What a site. Rome is a very walkable city…it felt like we just looked up and there is was…when it felt like we had so much longer to go. It is transportation friendly too. We had no problem going from the airport to the train station to the Colosseum and later to Milan.

Random Travel Tip:::When purchasing your tickets for RailEurope or any other train line from a self-service machine, if someone comes up to help they are not just being friendly or work for the train station, but will ask you for money after they have finished helping. So either go in knowing not to accept any help at the machines or go to someone at the windows selling tickets (where the lines are usually longer).


Happy adventures!
