Scones in the Sky | Pinterest

Come follow me on Pinterest! I share travel photos, recipes, adventure inspiration and other fun things to look at :)! I love to pin and spend a lot of my time waiting for delayed flights scrolling through pages of “pins.” So–I would love to follow you too!

Happy Adventures,


My Eight Carry-On Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

My carry-on bag for those long cross-Atlantic flights has been perfected! I currently don’t work many international flights (due to my base & seniority mostly), but I do fly a lot of red-eyes and try to take as many weekend trips to Europe that I can fit in. Now with more of a routine in place, it makes those 8+ hours feel less intimidating.

Long Haul Essentials

Here is how I prepared for a red-eye or flight across the Atlantic, to say Brussels :). 

Step One::: Before I head to the airport, I shower and put my hair in a braid (using Essential #5, an EMI-JAY hair tie).

Step Two::: Confirm I have my passport, and that all the essentials above are in my carry-on! I also try to pack an empty water bottle to fill at the airport.

Step 3::: Once onboard and settled, I usually like to watch one movie and then after sleep for the next 4 or 5 hours. Ask for a cup of hot water and add the Zarbee’s Night Time Drink (Essential #1). It will not only protect your throat but ease you into a nice peaceful sleep.

[ I usually struggle to get to sleep and then if I do sleep, wake with a dry and sore throat. In a perfect world, I would not sleep with my mouth open…bahaha. Luckily, I finally found something that solves my problem >>ZARBEE’S!! They also have vitamin-filled or immune support supplements! AND with great ingredients!]

Step 4::: I find it necessary to have a sleep mask (Essential #2, accompanied by eye drops). If you are near a galley or bathroom there will always be a light on, and the mask solves that dilemma.

Step 5:::  Flights arrive into Europe in the morning, so I like to hit the ground running, no time to waste! Once I wake up, I go into the restroom and take out my braid, finger comb and fluff (maybe even apply some dry-shampoo, it can be hard to find in travel size). My hair was contained in the braid for my sleep and now can be let down with a nice wave.

Step 6::: I wipe down my face with a refreshing YestoCucumbers Face Wipes (Essential #4) and reapply makeup if I’m feeling ambitious.

Step 7::: And then of course brush my teeth and use some mouthwash (Essentials #7), that always helps with waking up too. After, apply some Burt’s Bees lip balm (Essential #3, the only chapstick that I use).

Step 8::: Finally hands need some EOS hand lotion (Essential #8).

ALSO:: Drink LOTS of water! Ricola drops (Essential #6) are a soothing treat too. Lemon mint is my favorite flavor :).

Long Haul Flight Essentials

Would always love to hear your travel tips or routines!

Happy travels!


A San Diego Thanksgiving

Turkey Day is right around the corner…3 days away! Yay! We are so excited to go visit our family in San Diego. Mostly for the time with loved ones, but also to get away from this Chicago weather for a few days. It’s forecasted to be 80 degrees in San Diego on Thursday (as I look at the window and see snow falling in Chi Town). That’s just crazy! Weird to think I won’t need my down coat–well until I step foot back into O’hare.

Below is an outfit that felt very “Cali” to me…no jacket necessary, sunglasses for when you sip your Cranberry Margarita by the pool. Then probably get too hot in these leather leggings and ditch them for a swim suit. Bring it on.

San Diego Thanksgiving Fall Outfit


:::What you see above:::

Headband:::Forever 21, $6.90

Knit Sweater:::H&M, $29.95

Statement Necklace:::Target, $19.99

Wine Leather Leggings:::She-Fashions, $28.83

Sunglasses:::Warby Parker, $95

Leather Satchel:::GAP, $70

Steve Madden Bootie:::DSW, $69.95

Recipe to the Cranberry Margarita:::FREE


Happy Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for, it’s slightly overwhelming. Praise God.

Enjoy your holiday everyone and happy adventures!


What to do with a fireplace?!

We are finally in our new place and loving it! Also, as a huge perk we have a fireplace! It is somewhat intimidating because it is such a focal point.  There are many ways to make it truly shine. I love the idea of surrounding it by candles or having a statement art piece at the center. The furniture that circles the fireplace is also important; I want it to be comfortable and inviting. To bring in color–I think pillows and small accessories (like figurines, mirrors, or frames) or a bar cart can help. I even am toying with the idea of painting the area around the fireplace.

Here is one scenario I created–I’m loving the black and gold combo with pops of teal. Trying to stay with our new mid-century eclectic look.


Around the Fireplace | Scones in the Sky


Here are the details are on the photo:

Grey Side Chair ::: West Elm, $899

Pillow ::: CB2, $29.99

Candlestick Holders ::: CB2, $4.95-$6.95

Dessert Sun Mirror ::: Dot & Bo, $59.99

Logan Square Print ::: Etsy, $24.00

Bar Cart ::: Dot & Bo, $499.99

Teal Glasses ::: IKEA, $1.99 each

Faux Cowhide Throw ::: Pier1 Imports, $44.95

Dark Yellow Chaise ::: IKEA, $250.00


Happy home adventures!


Transitioning to Fall aka Boot Shopping

The last few days in Chicago have been shockingly cold. It’s too early for that. Seriously, I won’t be able to take cold this early. So my freezing toes got me thinking about how I need some serious winter boots this season. Last year my foot gear didn’t cut it.

I probably spent too many hours looking, per usual, but here are my selections that go from light Fall wandering to dead of Winter trekking. If anybody has a ‘secret weapon’ boot, I would love to hear about them–a pair that is cute but keeps your toes happy!

Scones in the Sky | Short Boots


I stuck with a short boot theme. I find it easier to shop online for shorter boots then higher/long boots.  I had never seen the short Hunter rain boot (#2), – but I’m into it–and the Sorel Caribou (#5) is now coming in more colors and variations which is also great!

Here is the info on the boots above:

1:::Crocket Anke Boot , Jeffery Campbell ::: $122.50

2:::Original Chelsea Boots, HUNTER ::: $125.00

3:::’Fame’ Boot, Kelsi Dagger Brooklyn ::: $159.95

4:::Kioni Tweed, UGG ::: $150.00

5:::Women’s Caribou, Sorel ::: $140.00

6:::Ballard Lace, North Face ::: $130.00

Now with Fall around the corner, I need to prep my carry-on to be a little more plump with the extra layers and boots!

Happy Adventures,



Inspiration for the “New Look” in Our Apartment


We have a little over a month until we move into our new loft! Moving is definitely a hassle, but I like that you get the opportunity to start with a fresh, new canvas. You get to reorganize, redecorate (have an excuse for buying a new item or two ;)), and reestablish your home. I compiled a visual, showing some of the items I would love to see in our new place. Like I said in a previous post, we are going to try to go a little more mid-century/retro this time around. Hopefully, I can get some good before and after photos too!

Also–the list of items in the picture are below!

New Apartment Look


Call Me Old Fashioned ::: Katie Kime Print, $68.00

Rope Pendant Light ::: CB2, $79.95

Queen Anne Blush Wallpaper ::: Rifle Paper Co., $135.00

Eames Molded Plastic Chair ::: YLiving, $399.00

Spiers Sofa in Teal ::: Dot&Bo, $899.99

Turkish Throw Pillow ::: Etsy, $15.95

Mid-Century Inspired Coffee Table ::: OrWa Designs, Etsy, $220.00

Wood Wall Clock ::: Uncommon, Etsy, $65.00

Jake just saw the price for one Eames chair…Yea, I might be dreaming with that one. But if you don’t have a dream, how can you have a dream come true? We do most of our shopping at outdoor markets, thrift stores and antique shops…and not a lot of that inventory is online. I keep my eyes open for a good deal :).

Always on the lookout…





Tips for Living in Smaller Spaces

Living in a studio or small apartment can feel cramped, but let these tips help!

I had to throw away a lot of my belongings when moving across the country–and then on top of that–I downsized from a two bedroom to a studio apartment. I have loved living with less (trying to be a minimalist instead of a hoarder ;)) but I sometimes feel limited in creativity when working with such a small space. I found these articles inspiring and encouraging. I want to tackle our new loft/studio with a new determination to make the space look bigger, feel homier, and show our creativity.

Scones in the Sky Rental Upgrades via Apartment Therapy

Let’s start by ways to upgrade a RENTAL space. Many of us are afraid to take extra steps to enhancing our rental…try out at least one of these awesome suggestions!

Scones in the Sky Creating Space

Here is a studio that is about the size of our current apartment, and they did an incredible job with the overall look and design of the space.

beautiful color studio

This is a beautiful, colorful space that makes me feel at home.

Scones in the Sky Kitchen  via Home Grown Interiors

I am no stranger to limited counter space, but the apartment above has such an easy and practical solution.

studio living

Another visually attractive small studio space. I love the reading nook by the window. Having great lighting in your studio is going to make it look and feel bigger. If you don’t have it naturally, here are ways to get it!

From my studio to yours,


Packing for a Summer Weekend Getaway

Jacob and I have had a quiet a few weekend getaways lately, mostly for weddings, but sometimes to visit family or for work. I learn something new every time I pack…some of my recent discoveries:

1::: I sometimes need two outfits for one day.

2::: I might change my mind if I like an outfit after I have arrived at my destination.

3::: I really don’t need four pairs of shoes…aka half my carry-on is shoes.

I have tried implementing the following things to compensate for those faults:

1::: Bring an extra dress, top or layer (that can easily be rolled up or not take too much space in your carry-on).

2:::Make sure you have some classic basics before you start with the outfits that you are unsure of. Or just don’t pack the “iffy” ones at all.

3:::Bring a pair of dressier sandals/heels and comfy sandals. Even while traveling, I know I will want to exercise, but maybe set the running shoes aside to save space and opt for a beach yoga workout, SUP, or kayaking for the weekend’s activity….something you don’t need shoes! ~also running on the beach barefoot is a serious workout~

::A lot of times I might pack my running shoes but wear my dressier sandals for the flight to conserve space.::: (Like in the picture below I might also wear the floppy hat and carry the market tote bag as my second item I’m allowed to carry-on. This just might mean you have more space in your carry-on for things to bring back from your vacation, not to just pack more unnecessary things.)

With the items below (3 tops, 2 bottoms, 2 dresses and 2 shoes), you could have at least 8 outfits!

Packing Weekend Getaway


What’s in the photo above, you may ask?

Big Felt Floppy Hat:::Top Shop $56.00

Chiffon Bird Blouse:::CiChic $15.00

Tassel Necklace:::J.Crew $35.00

Black Lace Kimono:::Top Shop $90.00  $24.00

Swimsuit Top, Bottom:::J. Crew $44.00, $34.00

Black & White Blouse::: CiChic $17.81

Bright Tropical Dress:::Top Shop $140.00

Woven Market Tote:::J.Crew $49.50

Striped Knit-Tee:::J. Crew $39.50

Boyfriend Shorts:::Top Shop $64.00

Red Skinny Pants:::CiChic $20.43

Chunky Wooden Heels:::Top Shop, $70.00

Pleated Maxi Dress:::She-Fashions $25.67

Yellow Birkenstock Sandals:::ASOS $86.09 $59.98


Hope you all had a great weekend!

And happy packing! 🙂





Beach Day

Hoping for sunny weather this weekend! I spent probably too much time today looking at bathing suits, sandals, and other great items for sunshine! Here are some goodies I stumbled upon (links below photo):

World Flattened Necklace – $19.99, Mod Cloth

Striped French Bathing Suit Top – $39.99, J. Crew

Glamour-Girl Bathing Suit Bottom – $40.00 J. Crew

Round Folding Sunglasses –  $220 Ray Ban

Black Lace Romper – $18.33 She-Fashions

Dark Tan Caged Sandal – $27.00 LuLu’s


Happy Weekend!
